
Showing posts from March, 2021

富贵山庄 (新加坡) 骨灰塔安置所

  富贵山庄(新加坡)   是一块风水宝地, 庄严尊贵的神圣殿堂, 传统与生活两全其美, 像‘家’的温馨气氛 。 作为为新加坡居民提供服务的一站式殡仪服务提供商,我们知道,我们所爱的人的记忆始终深深植根于我们的心中。然而,对于大多数家庭而言,将已离去的人的记忆留在心中是不够的。用真实的空间纪念离去的人通常对治疗思念发挥着重要作用。在新加坡富贵山庄,我们非常自豪地帮助各自家庭找到永久的方式来纪念他们亲人的灵魂。我们提供广泛的资源和产品,以便在失去亲人后,以及在未来几周,几个月和几年内为他们提供支持。 新加坡富贵山庄的美丽花园比新加坡任何其他纪念馆提供更多的选择。提供各种骨灰塔选择,以满足个人的宗教需求和经济能力。纪念馆和骨灰塔也可根据不同需求定制设计。 虽然我们知道我们拥有不同的文化和宗教,但中国文化是我们深刻的根,我们不但引入现代的设计而且改善整个设施以增加我们对亲人的追悼。 为什么葬礼预先计划是如此重要? 没有人喜欢去思考死亡,更不用说它的计划。在许多家庭中,讨论一个人的死亡是非常不舒服的话题。但它是一个应该加以讨论,并预先计划往生时所面对各种问题。 这说起来容易,但一切的后事都是那么的措手不及,要如何进行,如何处理?这都让我们的家人添加许多的麻烦。 一个人的往生已经是那么的悲哀,难道还要让疼我们的亲人在痛苦中增加压力!通过提前规划自己的葬礼,我们能够解除往生者的一切忧虑,同时能够让家人在平静,思念,缅怀中度过这艰难时候。 让所爱的人减轻财政负担,压力和困惑 防止家人作出昂贵草率的决定 帮助,以对抗通货膨胀,最终省钱 选择适合自己的礼仪和仪式。 风水骨灰位, 骨灰塔, 灵位 纪念阁 骨灰塔 也叫 灵位纪念阁。  它是一个房间,建筑物或墙壁,是个风水骨灰安置所。当人体火化后,骨灰将会被储存在通常称为“ 骨灰瓮 “的容器中。这些骨灰瓮又被储存在隔间中,该隔间就称为 骨灰位, 俗称 福位/灵位 。骨灰位是封闭的空间,类似于缩小的豪宅。 新加坡富贵山庄骨灰塔每个骨灰位都有独特的设计,个性化。宽敞舒适的空间,散发出强烈的和谐感。这样一个理想的最后安息之地,为后人提供繁荣,财富,健康和长寿,与和平的永远安息。您可以以实惠的价格选择单人,双人或家庭隔间。我们的骨灰位(福位/灵位)迎合佛教徒,道教徒,基督徒,天主教徒和自由思想者。 新加坡富贵山庄提供采用最先进设施建造。它旨在为死

Nirvana Singapore|富贵山庄新加坡|Columbarium | Funeral Services | Ancestral Tablets

  Nirvana Singapore Memorial Garden (新加坡富贵山庄) As a one-stop funeral services provider servicing the residents of Singapore, we know that the memories of the our loved one always remain deeply ingrained in our hearts. However, for most families, keeping the memories of their departed ones in hearts is not enough. Honoring their departed ones with a permanent memorial space usually plays a huge part in their healing. At Singapore Nirvana Memorial Garden (新加坡富贵山庄), we are taking great pride in helping families find a permanent way to honor the souls of their dear departed ones. We offer a broad range of resources and products to support them once they lose their loved ones, and also in the weeks, months, and years to come. What is funeral pre-planning for afterlife? In many families, discussing one’s mortality is an extremely uncomfortable topic. But it is a topic that should be discussed and planned for well in advance. , Most people always say, “Let’s think about it when that happens.”

Best Ways For Singapore Parents To Maximise The Child Development Account (CDA)

  Welcoming your child into this world is one of the greatest joys a parent can experience. Celebrating alongside you is none other than your government in Singapore. And with the country’s fertility rate at 1.10 (as of 2020), it is not difficult to see why. The Government welcomes your child with a  Baby Bonus cash gift of $8,000  (payable over a period of 18 months). This money is given to help lighten the financial costs of raising your child. In addition to the baby bonus cash gift, your child will also qualify for a  Child Development Account (CDA) , which you can choose to open with one of the local banks –  OCBC ,  DBS/POSB  or  UOB . Parents can choose to save money in the Child Development Account (CDA) until their child turns 12. In Budget 2016, the government also introduced the CDA First Step Grant that provides an automatic contribution of $3,000 to a child’s CDA. The Child Development Account (CDA) can be used for various child-related expenses. Here are 6 things we think